Dr. Peter M. Schweizer, Owner and CEO of CDT Consulting GmbH, Switzerland


Dr. Peter M. Schweizer

Owner and CEO

Peter’s extensive process-related know-how and know-why in coating and drying technology qualifies him to be a consultant for interested partners from industry and academia.


After having spent 16 years in the photographic industry, Peter changed from the user side to the supplier side of converting technology where he was partner of a die manufacturer for 3 years, and worked 15 years for a manufacturer of coating machines. His main focus has been on pre-metered coating methods including fluid conditioning and delivery systems as well as die design. In addition, he has gathered much experience in other coating methods and drying processes.


In parallel, Peter has taught in various short courses in coating and drying technology all over the world, published his knowledge in scientific and trade-related journals, presented his knowledge various times at conferences in Europe, Asia and America, acted as Board Member of the International Society of Coating Science and Technology (ISCST) and the European Coating Society (ECS), organized the ISCST Conference in Orlando as well as the ECS Conference in Fribourg (2003, 2017), and obtained several patents.


Together with Stefan Kistler he edited the book Liquid Film Coating, which appeared in 1997, and which is often referred to as the Bible of coating technology.


In 2006, Peter was honored with the John A. Talmadge Award from the International Society for Coating Science and Technology for his continued public engagement in this field.


In 2022, Peter published a book entitled Premetered Coating Methods


Schweizer Coating Consulting GmbH

Birchacherstrasse 45

CH-3184 Wuennewil




+41 (79) 777-5394